Our Clients and Previous Projects
State of Maine - Statewide PSAP Assessment
The State of Maine has contracted with 911 Authority for consulting services with expertise in state oversight of public safety answering points (PSAPs) to assess, evaluate and make recommendations on how PSAPs might be more efficiently managed to ensure the stability of Maine’s 911 system. A study will be conducted on the oversight of PSAPs to include:
- The use of incentives or subsidies provided from the E-9-1-1 surcharge set out in the 25 M.R.S. § 2927 that are tied to performance metrics for PSAP services in order to stabilize the relationships between PSAPs and municipalities
- The current level of state oversight of PSAPs and whether this level is sufficient to ensure the efficient management of PSAPs
- The effectiveness of making the Department of Public Safety the default entity responsible for providing E-9-1-1 services when there is a change in a PSAP’s service area
- The challenges faced by PSAPs with hiring and retaining employees and what methods could be employed to assist PSAPs with staffing obstacles
- Developing a report with the results of the study, which will be provided to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over energy, utilities and technology matters.
A study will be conducted to assess how PSAPs could be more efficiently managed to ensure stability of the system by answering the following questions.
- Is the current level of oversight sufficient to manage PSAPs? Identify deficiencies and strengths of the current system.
- What role does municipal choice play in the PSAP management process?
- How do similarly governed states manage PSAPs? Is there a contractual relationship? Are there financial subsidies or grant programs and, if so, what are they and what are allowable expenses? Are any of the subsidies performance based?
- What is the effectiveness of the DPS as the default entity for providing PSAP services? If a default PSAP is needed, what changes might be needed to assure readiness to serve in this capacity? Are there other options for providing a similar service?
A study will be conducted to assess staffing and retention issues at PSAPs by answering the following questions.
- What challenges are faced by PSAPs in hiring and retaining staff?
- Are there PSAPs who are more successful than others? If so, what can be learned from those PSAPs?
- Is there a correlation between call volume and staffing?
- Do benefits and compensation play a role?
- What has been done nationwide to address this issue?
- Do required activities of PSAPs, such as quality assurance review, play a role in this?
- How efficient is the hiring process and does the time to process applications have an effect?
- How have state mandated protocols played a role in efficiency at PSAPs?
- Are exit interviews conducted and if so, is the feedback used to make any necessary corrections at the PSAP?
911 Authority will prepare a Report to be submitted and presented to the Maine Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology2023. The report will contain the following:
- Summary of the process, analysis and findings
- Summary of consultation with stakeholders
- Recommendations for changes or improvements
- Recommendations on the use of incentives or subsidies provided from the E-9-1-1 surcharge for PSAPs in order to stabilize the relationship between PSAPs and municipalities.
State of Indiana - NG911 ESInet and i3 Services RFP/Procurement Process
Develop and define NG9-1-1 RFP technical specifications and requirements for procurement using a Request for Services-RFP. Service areas include:
- ESInet
- i3 core services (ECRF, LNG, ESRP etc)
- Text services
- OSP Carrier interconnection
- Help desk, maintenance and monitoring
- Enterprise Reporting
- Security
- Service management and interoperability
- Interface and liaison with Indiana Department of Administration for state procurement process
- Manage distribution, pre-bid, technical Q/A and receipt process for NG911 proposals
- Lead and manage the technical evaluation of NG9-1-1 proposals to include orals and site visits
- Lead and assist in the recommendation for award to the IN911 Board
- Lead and assist in contact negotiations with the awarded NG9-1-1 vendors
State of Indiana – SMS Text to 911 Project
With the advent of the FCCs actions related to SMS Text to 911 as well ad the four major wireless carriers singing on to the consent decree to provider SMS Text to 911 service by June 2014, the State of Indiana contracted with 911 Authority to provide technical support, PSAP site assessment and implementation support for the implementation of SMS Text to 911 for all the 911 centers in Indiana.
State of Indiana – System Outage Analysis and ESInet System Test
The Indiana Statewide 911 Board contracted with 911 Authority for thechnical support and Next Generation 9-1-1 expertise for a technical assessment and system outage analysos of the IN911 network. The project resulted in an extensive, first ever, system test(both human and machine) of a next generation Emergency Services Internet (ESInet).
The Department of Homeland Security - Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program Support (ICTAP)
911 Authority, LLC is contracted to provide NG911 Project Management, Procurement Management and NG911 Technical Support to the IN911 Board for the re-competition of the IN911 NG911 system and services contract. Primary responsibilities include;
Where we Come In:
The Department of Homeland Security, Office of Emergency Communications is using 911 Authority for the support of the ICTAP program. The ICTAP is a grant in aid program designed to assist states across the country in the strategic planning, training and education of Next Generation 9-1-1 technologies. Using our industry recognized Next Generation 9-1-1 expertise, the staff at 911 Authority are able to interact directly with a number of state agencies as they begin to plan for and take the steps necessary to migrate their 9-1-1 systems into the NG9-1-1 environment.
Through this project, 911 Authority has provided support to the following agencies:
State of New Jersey - Office of Emergency Telecommunications Services - Next Generation 9-1-1 Study
Where We Help You:
911 Authority is supporting the State of New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Telecommunications Services as they begin to plan for the migration to the Next Generation 9-1-1 environment. 911 Authority is providing project management, NG9-1-1 expertise and report writing resources in support of the project. The deliverable developed as a result of this project reported on the following NG911 aspects:
- Technical review and assessment of current E911 network infrastructure
- Governance/legislative review and analysis
- Funding issues and ROM costs for NG911 migration
- Migration and transition models/options
- National and regional synopsis of current NG911 projects
- Findings and recommendations relative to a NG911 strategy for the state
Alabama 911 Board – NG9-1-1 Procurement and Implementation Support
- What we Do:
911 Authority, LLC was contracted to provide NG9-1-1 project management, procurement management, and NG9-1-1 technical support to the Alabama 9-1-1 Board for the re-bidding of the ANGEN NG9-1-1 System and services contract. Primary responsibilities included the development of a NG911 RFP seeking a broad range of systems and services including:
- Interface and liaison with AL911 board, ANGEN subcommittee, AAND and other stakeholders during the procurement process
- Manage distribution, pre-bid, technical q/a and receipt process for NG911 proposals
- Lead and manage the technical evaluation of NG911 proposals to include oral presentations from the vendors
- Lead and assist in the recommendation for award to the Alabama 911 Board
- Lead and assist in contact negotiations with the awarded NG911 vendors
- Provide project management support for the implementation of the ESInet and NG911 core services
- Coordinated and lead the writing of the Alabama Statewide 911 Plan (continuing services)
- Coordinated planning for the Federal Grant funding (continuing services)
- Meet with PSAPs and other stakeholders across the state to provide education and promote support for the ANGEN project and other Board initiatives (continuing services)
- Provide legislative support as needed (continuing services.
- ESINet
- I3 core services (ECRF, LNG, ESRP etc)
- Text services
- OSP Carrier interconnection
- Help desk, maintenance and monitoring
- Enterprise Reporting
- Security
- Service management and interoperability
Continuing Services: This project is a multi-year engagement and many of the tasks detailed in the project narrative are ongoing and are marked as “continuing services” above. Additional tasking and support has been added to the contract to accomplish the evolving objectives of the 911 program
911 Authority is also assisting the Board with program and project management support, vendor management and regulatory support during the anticipated 20 – 24 month implementation period of the new ANGEN NG911 system.
State of South Dakota NG911 Implementation Oversight, NG911 RFP Development and Legislative Support
Project Narrative:
911 Authority, LLC was contracted to provide NG911 Project Management, Implementation Oversight, NG911 Technical Support, Legislative Support and RFP Development to the South Dakota 911 Board for the ongoing CPE and ESInet implementation and re-competition of the NG911 system and services contract. Primary responsibilities include;
- Interface and liaison with the South Dakota 911 board, Administrative Subcommittee, PSAP personnel and other stakeholders to provide technical expertise and address questions (continuing services)
- Provide project management support for the implementation of the ESInet and NG911 core services (continuing services)
- Provide regulatory support through PUC hearings and processes (continuing services)
- Provide legislative and governance support as needed (continuing services)
- Contracted to develop and define NG911 RFP technical specifications and requirements for procurement using a Request for Proposals-RFP (continuing services). Service areas include:
- ESInet
- I3 core services (ECRF, LNG, ESRP etc.)
- Text services
- OSP Carrier interconnection
- Help desk, maintenance and monitoring
- Enterprise Reporting
- Security
- Service management and interoperability
State of Wisconsin Office of Emergency Communications NG911 System Assessment
911 Authority, LLC was contracted to complete a NG911 System Assessment, develop a NG911 Request for Proposal for a state-wide ESInet and NG Core Services, provide Project Management, Procurement Management and NG911 Technical Support to the Office of Emergency Communications. Our efforts include system and services contract, contract award, vendor negotiations, and implementation oversight. Primary responsibilities include;
- Complete a state-wide System Assessment to determine the current 911 system landscape and identify an NG911 system for establishing a proposal
- Visit PSAPs to document current environment including Networks, Systems, Applications and services
- Create an online survey form and system to allow PSAPs that were not visited to input answers to the questions
- Analyze information that was input and remediate any PSAPs that provided no or incorrect information
- Present information to the NG Sub-committee and provide findings and recommendations based upon the data collected
- Review and assess RFI’s to develop technical specifications for the RFP
- Develop and define NG911 RFP technical specifications and requirements for procurement using a Request for Proposals-RFP. Service areas include:
- ESInet
- I3 core services (ECRF, LNG, ESRP etc.)
- Text services
- OSP Carrier interconnection
- Help desk, maintenance and monitoring
- Enterprise Reporting
- Security
- Service management and interoperability
- Interface and liaison with State NG subcommittee, and other stakeholders during the assessment and planning process (continuing services)
- Manage distribution, pre-bid, technical q/a and receipt process for NG911 proposals
- Lead and manage the technical evaluation of NG911 proposals to include oral presentations from the vendors (continuing services)
- Lead and assist in the recommendation for award to the Office of Emergency Communications (continuing services)
- Lead and assist in contact negotiations with the awarded NG911 vendors (continuing services)
- Provide project management support for the implementation of the ESInet and NG911 core services (continuing services)
- Coordinated and lead the writing of the State of Wisconsin State Strategic Plan (continuing services)
- Provide legislative support as needed (continuing services)
State Of California - PSAP Recruitment, Retention, and Training Study
The PSAP Recruitment, Retention and Training study will assess the current state of Public Safety Dispatcher (PSD) staffing and training in California. This will be done primarily through a survey of PSD personnel at PSAPs. The survey will collect data on a variety of topics, including but not limited to best practices for recruitment, retention and training of staff. The survey will be distributed to every PSAP in California. The information collected from the survey will be used to assess the current practices in
California and determine the best practices for all of the state’s PSAPs to consider in the recruitment, retention and training of PSD personnel.
The findings will be analyzed using the data and information collected in the assessment phase to develop models that will help decision makers understand the current state of PSD staffing and training. he models developed in this phase will be used to identify areas of immediate concern such as high turnover rates, low staffing levels, and lack of training and to develop a plan for addressing those concerns.
A plan will be developed for staff recruitment, retention and training based on the data collected and collect additional input from the CA 9-1-1 Branch, stakeholders and the PSAPs. The plan will include a gap analysis between the current state and future state, as well as the initial identification of options for bridging any gaps. The plan will also consider cost models associated with the implementation of the plan by the program.
The California Governors Office of Emergency Services – Statewide Feasibility Study
Cal OES contracted with 911 Authority, LLC to perform this study, mandated by the state legislature, to explore the feasibility of a new statewide self-registration database system. The goal of this study was to determine the feasibility of developing a statewide system to enable all Californians, including older adults, individuals with disabilities, and other at-risk persons, to voluntarily provide vital health and safety information, with an encrypted connection, to be available to all first responders in an emergency if a 911 call is placed.
This report details how the Feasibility Study was completed and its findings. The Study had several objectives and took into consideration the following items as stated in the Manny Alert Act:
- All database information shall be available to first responders in an emergency if a 911 call is placed.
- Information submitted through the statewide system will be confidential and not a public record, and information collected can only be disclosed to law, fire, and emergency medical service personnel at the scene of an emergency.
- Technology used in the statewide system will require the person submitting the information to confirm its accuracy, and will state that the information will be used only by public safety dispatch personnel and first responders for planning for and responding to emergencies that would result in a 911 call.
- The system incorporates, to the extent doing so is consistent with public safety and is technologically feasible, shared infrastructure and elements of other public safety and emergency communication networks, as specified in the law.
- The estimated funding necessary to plan, test, implement, operate, and maintain the statewide system on an annual basis.
One of the main objectives of this study was to determine the feasibility of integrating the data mandated by the Manny Alert Act with California’s evolving NG911 system and components (911 CPE, CAD and RMS) at each PSAP in California. This included the following tasks:
- Gathering information on existing CAD operations to catalog technology and systems
- Comparing existing CAD operations and technology to industry baselines
- Considering opportunities or implications of technology expansion or replacement
- Establishing baseline capabilities, functionality and CAD system requirements after NG911 implementation
- Cataloguing CAD requirements, including existing equipment and configuration, integration with telephony, mapping, logging, reporting and call handling
State of Maine NG911 System Maturity State
911 Authority, LLC was contracted by the State of Maine to provide NG911 expertise to evaluate and report on Maine’s NG911 system’s maturity state, recommend the next steps necessary to continue NG911 deployment progress, and assist with the development of the technical specifications for the NG911 System request for proposals.
Develop and define NG911 RFP technical specifications and requirements for procurement using a Request for Proposals-RFP. Service areas include:
- ESInet
- I3 core services (ECRF, LNG, ESRP etc.)
- Call Handling Equipment
- Security
- GIS and Database Services
- Reporting
- Service and Support
- Training